Amoroso, R.L. and Vigier, J-P.
"Can Anyone Unify Gravity and Electromagnetic Fields?"
Reprint from R.L Amoroso, G Hunter, M. Kafatos and J-P Vigier
Gravitation and Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale"
2002 Dordrcht: Khuwer
Amoroso, R.I. and Vigier J-P
Toward The Unification of Gravity and electromagnetism
Preprint: R.I. Amoroso & J-P . Vigier (2004) in V.V.Dvoeglazov & A.A. Espinoza
Garido (eds.) Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology.
ISBN 1-59033-981-9, New York: Nova Science
Apostol Tom M.
Mnatsakanian, Mamikon A.
"New Horizons in Geometry"
Mathematical Association of America
Arfken, George, B.
"Mathematical Methods for Physicists"
Elsevier Publishing Company
New York
Baggott, Jim
The Meaning of Quantum Theory
Oxford University Press
New York, 1994
Bicak, Jiri and Katz, Joseph
"On the Uniqueness of Harmonic Coordinates"
Journal of Physics,
Vol. 55 (2005), No. 5
Bohm, David
"Wholeness and the Implicate order"
Routledge Classics
New York, NY
Currivan, Jude
The Cosmic Hologram
Inner Traditions
Rochester, Vermont
Day, William
"A New Physics"
Foundation for New Directions
Cambridge, MA
Fuller, Buckminster
Synergetics 1
Macmillan Publishing
New York, NY
Fuller, Buckminster
Synergetics 2
Macmillan Publishing
New York, NY
Gambini, Rodolfo
Pullin, Jorge
"Loop quantization of the Schwarzschild black hole"
Physical Review
May, 2013
Ginzburg, Vladimir B.
"The Unification of Strong, Gravitational & Electric Forces"
Helicola Press
Pittsburgh, PA
Hossenfelder, Sabine and Smolin, Lee
"Conservative solutions to the Black Hole Information problem"
Perimeter Insitute for Theoretical Physics
Waterloo, Canada
and Department of Physics, University of Waterloo Canada
January, 2009
Jeong, Eue Jin"Non-Newtonian Force Experienced by Gravitational Dipole
Moment at the Center of the Two Mass Pole Model Universe"
Physica Scripta
Vol. 59, 339È343, 1999
Merali, Zeeya
"The Origins of space and Time"
August 2013
Kaku, Michio
"The Physics of The Impossible"
Anchor Books
New York
Kayser, Hans
"Akro'asis, The Theory of World Harmonics"
Plowshare Press
Boston, MA
Kramer, Russell
"The Interaction of Electromangnetism and Gravitation along Equipotential Lines"
Reciprocity Journal of the International society of Unified Science
Volume 27, Number 1
Spring-Winter 1998
Larson, Dewey B.
"Basic Properties of Matter"
International Society of Unified Science
Salt Lake City, Utah
Larson, Dewey B.
"Nothing But Motion"
North Pacific Publishers
Portland OR
Lisi, A. Garrett and Weatherall, James Owen
"A Geometric Theory of Everything"
Scientific American
December 2010
Meyer, Frank
"Motion and Space-Time are Essentially Related and Quantized"
Journal of Reciprocity
Volume 26 No.2
Summer 1997
Mnatsakanian, M.A. and Saakyan G.S.
"The Relativistic Generalized Theory of Gravitation"
Vol. 4 no.4 pp 567-579
Peat, David F.
"Infinite Potential The Life and times of David Bohm"
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc
Reading, MA
Pais, Abraham
"Subtle is The Lord, The Science and Life of Albert Einstein"
Oxford University Press
New York, NY
Parker, Sybil P.
"McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Physics"
McGraw- Hill Book Company
New York
Penrose, Roger
"On the Nature of quantum Geometry"
This paper originally appeared in:
Magic Without Magic,
edited by J. Klauder, Freeman,
San Francisco, 1972,
pp. 333-354.
Schmid, Christoph
"Newton's Superb Theorem: An Elementary Geometric Proof"
Institute for Theoretical Physics
8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Smolin, Lee
Three Roads to Quantum Gravity
Basic Books
New York, NY
Smolin, Lee
"Time Reborn"
Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt
Boston, New York
Solit, Marvin
Synergetics 3
Foundation For New Directions,
Cambridge, MA
Solit, Marvin
The Geometry and Physics of the Here and The Hereafter
Foundation For New Directions
Cambridge, MA
Talbot, Michael
The Holographic Universe
Harper Collins Publishers
New York, NY
Wheeler, John Archibald
"A Journey into Gravity and Spacetime"
Scientific American Library
New York, NY
White, Harvey
"An Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics"
D. Van Nostrand company Inc.
New York
Witten, Edward
"Universe on a String"
Updated from
the June 2002 issue of
Wolchover, Natalie
"A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics"
Quanta Magazine
September 2013
Wolfram, Stephan
"A New Kind of Science"
Wolfram Media Inc.
Champaign, IL
Wolfram Stephen
A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory in Physics
Wolfram Media Inc.
Champaign, IL
"Can Anyone Unify Gravity and Electromagnetic Fields?"
Reprint from R.L Amoroso, G Hunter, M. Kafatos and J-P Vigier
Gravitation and Cosmology: From the Hubble Radius to the Planck Scale"
2002 Dordrcht: Khuwer
Amoroso, R.I. and Vigier J-P
Toward The Unification of Gravity and electromagnetism
Preprint: R.I. Amoroso & J-P . Vigier (2004) in V.V.Dvoeglazov & A.A. Espinoza
Garido (eds.) Relativity, Gravitation, Cosmology.
ISBN 1-59033-981-9, New York: Nova Science
Apostol Tom M.
Mnatsakanian, Mamikon A.
"New Horizons in Geometry"
Mathematical Association of America
Arfken, George, B.
"Mathematical Methods for Physicists"
Elsevier Publishing Company
New York
Baggott, Jim
The Meaning of Quantum Theory
Oxford University Press
New York, 1994
Bicak, Jiri and Katz, Joseph
"On the Uniqueness of Harmonic Coordinates"
Journal of Physics,
Vol. 55 (2005), No. 5
Bohm, David
"Wholeness and the Implicate order"
Routledge Classics
New York, NY
Currivan, Jude
The Cosmic Hologram
Inner Traditions
Rochester, Vermont
Day, William
"A New Physics"
Foundation for New Directions
Cambridge, MA
Fuller, Buckminster
Synergetics 1
Macmillan Publishing
New York, NY
Fuller, Buckminster
Synergetics 2
Macmillan Publishing
New York, NY
Gambini, Rodolfo
Pullin, Jorge
"Loop quantization of the Schwarzschild black hole"
Physical Review
May, 2013
Ginzburg, Vladimir B.
"The Unification of Strong, Gravitational & Electric Forces"
Helicola Press
Pittsburgh, PA
Hossenfelder, Sabine and Smolin, Lee
"Conservative solutions to the Black Hole Information problem"
Perimeter Insitute for Theoretical Physics
Waterloo, Canada
and Department of Physics, University of Waterloo Canada
January, 2009
Jeong, Eue Jin"Non-Newtonian Force Experienced by Gravitational Dipole
Moment at the Center of the Two Mass Pole Model Universe"
Physica Scripta
Vol. 59, 339È343, 1999
Merali, Zeeya
"The Origins of space and Time"
August 2013
Kaku, Michio
"The Physics of The Impossible"
Anchor Books
New York
Kayser, Hans
"Akro'asis, The Theory of World Harmonics"
Plowshare Press
Boston, MA
Kramer, Russell
"The Interaction of Electromangnetism and Gravitation along Equipotential Lines"
Reciprocity Journal of the International society of Unified Science
Volume 27, Number 1
Spring-Winter 1998
Larson, Dewey B.
"Basic Properties of Matter"
International Society of Unified Science
Salt Lake City, Utah
Larson, Dewey B.
"Nothing But Motion"
North Pacific Publishers
Portland OR
Lisi, A. Garrett and Weatherall, James Owen
"A Geometric Theory of Everything"
Scientific American
December 2010
Meyer, Frank
"Motion and Space-Time are Essentially Related and Quantized"
Journal of Reciprocity
Volume 26 No.2
Summer 1997
Mnatsakanian, M.A. and Saakyan G.S.
"The Relativistic Generalized Theory of Gravitation"
Vol. 4 no.4 pp 567-579
Peat, David F.
"Infinite Potential The Life and times of David Bohm"
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc
Reading, MA
Pais, Abraham
"Subtle is The Lord, The Science and Life of Albert Einstein"
Oxford University Press
New York, NY
Parker, Sybil P.
"McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Physics"
McGraw- Hill Book Company
New York
Penrose, Roger
"On the Nature of quantum Geometry"
This paper originally appeared in:
Magic Without Magic,
edited by J. Klauder, Freeman,
San Francisco, 1972,
pp. 333-354.
Schmid, Christoph
"Newton's Superb Theorem: An Elementary Geometric Proof"
Institute for Theoretical Physics
8093 Zurich, Switzerland
Smolin, Lee
Three Roads to Quantum Gravity
Basic Books
New York, NY
Smolin, Lee
"Time Reborn"
Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt
Boston, New York
Solit, Marvin
Synergetics 3
Foundation For New Directions,
Cambridge, MA
Solit, Marvin
The Geometry and Physics of the Here and The Hereafter
Foundation For New Directions
Cambridge, MA
Talbot, Michael
The Holographic Universe
Harper Collins Publishers
New York, NY
Wheeler, John Archibald
"A Journey into Gravity and Spacetime"
Scientific American Library
New York, NY
White, Harvey
"An Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics"
D. Van Nostrand company Inc.
New York
Witten, Edward
"Universe on a String"
Updated from
the June 2002 issue of
Wolchover, Natalie
"A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics"
Quanta Magazine
September 2013
Wolfram, Stephan
"A New Kind of Science"
Wolfram Media Inc.
Champaign, IL
Wolfram Stephen
A Project to Find the Fundamental Theory in Physics
Wolfram Media Inc.
Champaign, IL