Russell Kramer
Russell's professional career unfolded in the 1980's working as an application engineer. Among the projects he worked on were the J-Stars multi-phased array radar system, radar guidance systems for f-15 fighter jets, Laser targeting systems for the M-1 Tank, the Gau-8 and Gau12 armor piercing artillery. It was during this 10 year span in the 1990's he started research into Reciprocal System of Physics
as a member of the International Society of Unified Physics (ISUS) and the Reciprocal System Research Society under the lead research scientist Bruce Peret
With an interdisciplinary perspective I've delved into both art and science finding a special place where the two integrate into a cosmic whole. Some influences include Barbara Hero who is involved in the study and application of the Lambdoma Matrix expressing her insights through both art, music and technology. Buckminster Fuller who discovered and applied many aspects of natures "synergetic" geometry arriving at the "Isotrropic Vector Matrix" as a fundamental structure in nature. Mamikon Mnatsakanian a Soviet trained Astrophysicist who developed visual calculus alternative method to perform advanced calculations without formulas. These and similar advanced methods are incorporated into the geometric modeling of physical systems through out this web site.
Russell's professional career unfolded in the 1980's working as an application engineer. Among the projects he worked on were the J-Stars multi-phased array radar system, radar guidance systems for f-15 fighter jets, Laser targeting systems for the M-1 Tank, the Gau-8 and Gau12 armor piercing artillery. It was during this 10 year span in the 1990's he started research into Reciprocal System of Physics
as a member of the International Society of Unified Physics (ISUS) and the Reciprocal System Research Society under the lead research scientist Bruce Peret
With an interdisciplinary perspective I've delved into both art and science finding a special place where the two integrate into a cosmic whole. Some influences include Barbara Hero who is involved in the study and application of the Lambdoma Matrix expressing her insights through both art, music and technology. Buckminster Fuller who discovered and applied many aspects of natures "synergetic" geometry arriving at the "Isotrropic Vector Matrix" as a fundamental structure in nature. Mamikon Mnatsakanian a Soviet trained Astrophysicist who developed visual calculus alternative method to perform advanced calculations without formulas. These and similar advanced methods are incorporated into the geometric modeling of physical systems through out this web site.

William Price
My Thanks and recognition to Bill for his ongoing contributions to this project from the basic research to the math, computer programming and consultation. He's been a friend and volunteer collaborator on this and other projects for many years. He brings a science and technical back ground in computer programming, electrical engineering and mathematics.
My Thanks and recognition to Bill for his ongoing contributions to this project from the basic research to the math, computer programming and consultation. He's been a friend and volunteer collaborator on this and other projects for many years. He brings a science and technical back ground in computer programming, electrical engineering and mathematics.